Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today's been an... interesting day... 
As soon as I came to work I was told 'oh, good, you're here! You can take the cash register, right?', as a joke I thought... Came out when I'd changed my clothes and said that ok, sure, if I can lend a card from someone that'll take all my misstakes! (ha ha). But, they were serious! They had a meeting and no one to take care of customers during that time. As you know... I've only trained a few days with a few customers (it's not as we sit behind the desk taking payments all day long... customers come sporadically, in clusters and sometimes not at all...). And, I was a bit stressed both times, so my brain leaked most of the information... 
But, I did my best. Made some misstakes with the non-logical cash machine (sorry, wrong word.. tired brain...), but I didn't loose any money for the Greenhouse and no one died. :D
After dealing with customers... some not in a good mood... but most of them friendly, my brain didn't want to play anymore and almost shut down. That's not fun when 1 1/2 hour is left on the work day. :D One of the bosses said to me that he didn't think they (they= the bosses) were nice when they told me to handle payments. I told him it was ok, but I need more training, and I need to have a guide line for what 'buttons' to press when handling different payments. One of the 'buttons' that says 'payments' is not to be used, for it's a bit confusing. But, they were satisfied with my effort, and... no one died, so I'm happy. :D 

When I got on the bus on my way home, the bus driver said 'hello and welcome' (sounds strange when translated from Swedish...but, anyway) and I said 'Good, I almost said... eh' He just laughed at me and said 'well, it might be for you' and I continued to say 'good day' instead. Tired brain not functioning... :D The Good morning part has to do with my neighbour being on the bus one morning and joking with his coworker (the bus driver today) and saying something about me being his neighbour and he, the coworker, was outnumbered. My tired brain connected him with morning. :D When I got of the bus, he opened the front door and sid 'sleep well' when I passed him. I just laughed and said 'Bye!' to him. I must've looked really tired too... :D 
So happy it's the weekend!   

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