September 16

The bluejays were squawking for their peanuts in between the rain showers this morning. I tossed a couple of handfuls onto the deck for them two different times and they disappeared fairly quickly. One crow was around too, other than that the smaller birds and the squirrels were all hunkered down somewhere protected from the storm.
I spent most of the afternoon grooming the houseplants in the living room, dusting and vacuuming the living room.
So far I still have power but there is still a chance it could go out. Last year when Fiona went thru the power stayed on all day and went out just after the storm was over.
I have definitely been on the windy side of the system. I'm not sure if it actually made landfall in Nova Scotia. It wobbled a bit one way this morning and they said it would make landfall between Yarmouth and Shelburne. Then it wobbled back and they said it would make landfall around Brier Island. It did make landfall on the tip of Long Island, Digby Co.
I am almost scared to look in the garage right now, lol. I left A here on Friday afternoon to move some planters on the deck for me. I had to go to Halifax to pick up some bags of debris from a job that E had worked on this week. I had planned to leave the plants in the driveway that have been there most of the summer. He moved all of them, possibly into the garage, since I don't see them under the deck. Plus he moved the 4 big planters that I had at the front of the house into the garage. He put 2 of the wheelbarrows on top of the empty plant pots that are stacked at the back of the house. The other 2 wheelbarrows are braced against my veggie planters at the side of the house. He did a good job, other than a couple of small empty pots, nothing has moved.

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