Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Shadow dancin'on the driveway ..

Gorgeous Jasmine one of next doors smashing children is a very good ballet dancer,yesterday she did a recital and I could not blip her as it was Alice's day,so I asked her nicely if she would don her beautiful ballet dress and skip about a bit outside the house.. Lucky for me my new neighbours are not camera shy AT ALL ;) .. Now I have been told by Riley and Lindon they need to be blipped as Cole and Jasmine have been famous for a day ...
Mr W And I are so lucky to have had he crazy Williams move in next door ( I expect they are looking to move soon) it's an absolute joy .. I never realised you could actually enjoy neighbours at all .. We have never ever had to sort we wanted to actually spend any time with EVER !

Now the sad part of my blip is for Squirty Merty ... I shall make it brief as she is a follower of my blip via Facebook .. Squirts husband passed away this week and today Tits McGee held a small party/gathering for her and loads of us went to make sure she knew she had friends and support ...which she does .. LOADS ... Squirty is a teacher at Lucy's school and it was mostly teachers and TA's (not the territorial army) and me who were there .. It's a very very supportive tight knit group of teachers,I love them.
Ohh also I met Squirtys twin sister who has a name already for blip .. Liz who is not liz who is Sarah .. Yes it's a bit of a mouthful but it works ok in real life ... I thought she was rude this liz who is not liz who is Sarah as she did not respond to me yelling at her .. It transpires that as I was yelling Liz she did not know who I was trying to talk too .. Well you wouldn't would you,if your name is Sarah .

PS..... DDLC... mother of Alice the bridesmaid.... she and Mr DDLC (he is pale ) say a MASSIVE MASSIVE thank you for all the wonderful comments you made about their girl,they were/are thrilled and moved by it,so thank you blip friends you have made my mates VERY happy x

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