Life through the lens...

By ValC

The French seem to have a tradition of buying special cakes, and flowers on Sundays.
The patisseries always have a wonderful selection of cakes, but even more so on Sundays, when everyone seems to be buying something special.

This was one in our favourite shop Peyrerol.

Down into town for breakfast this morning, then a walk round the town, short trip to the supermarket for a few bits, then into Malaucene for lunch.
Aubergine Provencal, followed by gambas flambé in Whisky, served with rice, stuffed tomatoes, and vegetable gratinee.
MrC had steak , chips and stuffed tomatoes.
Then I had a wonderful chocolate mousse, and MrC the best crème brule ever.
(I had a taste too!)
Not forgetting a carafe of the local rose!

Didn't do much this afternoon!

Weather cooler today, but we were still in short sleeves, while the locals had coats on!
They say the weather is going to get better tomorrow!

Thank you all for the comments and stars etc. so far, and
please forgive me if my comments are a bit hit and miss while we are away.

Hope you are all enjoying the good weather and have had a happy weekend.

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