Tantallon Castle, North Berwick

Albeit a dull day it was dry and felt warm. The daughter and I drove the scenic coastal route to Seacliff beach and were wading into the waves at exactly 8o’clock. There was a breeze and the water was choppy with waves we could jump over or dive through. It was not the sea for swimming or practising handstands  but we spent a joyful 35minutes just really playing. Not one other soul was on the beach save one male dog walker who had the grace to turn tail and retreat when he saw 2 scantily clad females tripping through the dunes seaward. It was so peaceful and rewarding for such an early start.

 Dressed once more and fit to be seen in public, there was another visit to the Port Seton greasy spoon cafe for coffee and rolls to eat as we sat in the car overlooking the harbour. The tide was most definitely out and we watched the fishing boats leaning perilously on their sides in the mud.

We had another stop at Aldi in Musselburgh for a trawl of the shelves - one bottle of wine, one jar of peanut butter, a packet of KitKat biscuits and a bottle of scent  and we were on our way back into Edinburgh passing the Kilt Walk entrants winding their way through Joppa and Porty.

I could write a very long rant about our journey through town where road works, red lights, one way stretches with tour buses, visitor buses and tourists made the journey interminable. Despite that, we had had another wonderful morning.

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