
By LadyFindhorn

Full moon Tuesday

I thought the midges like the Romans had never made it to Orkney, but I was wrong. There are plenty here hiding in the bushes when it’s windy but popping out when it’s calm. They had popped out in their droves this morning as we bared our flesh at the slip. They don’t like swimming so we were immune whilst in the water.

It is a beautiful day, calm and warm and sunny. The Selkies like other swimming groups are planning a moonlight swim tonight. It’s a full moon, the harvest moon, and we are swimming at 9pm. I hope the clouds don’t spoil the party.

I had a lovely coffee this morning with a crafty Selkie. She said, bring your knitting, I brought my sock, she showed me the jersey she was knitting and that was as far as we got on the crafting side, there was just too much chatter to distract us.

I thought summer was over for this year, but here I am sitting in the garden without a jacket, no wind,  looking out over the wall to a sea like a millpond. The midges are obviously having a siesta and only a few have discovered me. I wonder if they are saving their energies for the feast of bare skin they may know is coming this evening?

My blip is of the floral arrangement at a window I pass daily. If I remember correctly, I posted the same window sporting tulips back in May.

It’s Glasgow  Granddaughter Nina’s 16th birthday today.  Where did all those years go?

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