
Today has been pretty emotional for me. It's been a walk down memory lane. I went to the church I used to be a member of back in 2016 and 2017. The months I was a part of this church were among the happiest of my adult life. So, coming back to The Hague was difficult because it brought a lot of memories from that time back and left me feeling very nostalgic.

My brother and his girlfriend came with us, which was lovely. They then spent some time together whilst the Little Man and I went to have lunch with the family I lived with during that year. I still sometimes call them my Dutch family. They had two kids when I lived with them. Now they have three. Their boy was the same age as Little Man when I lived with them. Now he's eight. Time waits for nobody. This really hit me today.

It was Little Man's first time on a tram, and I think he really enjoyed himself. He also enjoyed playing with my hist family's kids. However, he didn't exactly get a sleep (20 minutes in the car on the journey home doesn't exactly count), so after he'd had an early dinner he had a bath and went to bed.

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