Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

SA Day Two

I had a coffee while Jr went off to buy masks - there was a sign - ‘No Masks. No Go.’ at the entrance to the ferry to Robben Island but that hadn’t been mentioned in any correspondence before…

But the trip to Robben island was Not To Be… they cancelled it and didn’t bother telling us, though they had informed us of the time change from 9am to 11am. We will just get a refund (hopefully) as tomorrow’s trip, should it actually go, is at 3pm.

It was too late to go on the Hop On Hop Off bus (HOHO) because we want a whole day for that, including up Table Mountain and time for lunch at Camps Bay. And by the time we tried to find the nearest stop (we didn’t) we cut our losses and had a super day instead - visiting the Art Gallery part of the Silo building - what a truly amazing building it is!! We had lunch - a brilliant salad - in the very groovy cafe part. We popped up to the fabulous outdoor bar on the 6th floor in the Silo building (it was shut yesterday). It has a glass swimming pool with a view (Extra). We walked through the canal district and Battery Park. What a fabulous city!! SO clean.

Back to the hotel, along the vibrant waterfront - a crowd watching the rugby on a huge outdoor screen (I would liked to join them) then on to the Silo for sunset bubbles. After that, back along the waterfront to a restaurant that Hazel recommended, where we had excellent steaks.

By this time I was very tired (9,184 steps) but JR was keen to have a nightcap in the rather splendid lobby of our hotel. We met a young couple we’d met in the queue to board in London. They’re doing almost the same trip as us. We recommended the Silo.

Now to choose ONE photo from today… it had to be this one! Although the chap cut off our feet. But in the other photo he took, he cut off the top of the frame…

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