Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

South Africa Day 1

What a great day! Picked up at the airport by a charming driver from Citicabs, and checked in at our waterfront hotel.

After a coffee in the room, we set off for a wander. We’re right in the V&A waterfront area. In fact, our hotel is directly connected to the huge shopping mall.

Such a lot going on - a group of young singers/dancers, a statue that suddenly moved, a man twisted impossibly and balanced on a single post.

We came to a seafood and sushi restaurant. And were tempted in. It was marvellous! We can’t get over the prices here - so cheap!

After our delicious lunch we continued round the waterfront to the Silo. What a super place. Very chic, with fantastic views over the city. A group of young gorgeous black girls arrived and proceeded to strike those exaggerated poses young folk do and take photos in the trendy bar area.

Back home through the mall. What a wonderful city. Off to Robben Island tomorrow!

I didn’t bring my iPad, and my collage app doesn’t seem to work on my phone.

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