Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Creepy guy on the bus

Earlier today my sister and I were getting the No.35 out to the Airport so that she could pick up her hire car for the weekend. This bloke was sitting across the aisle from us and I think it is fair to say that he 'wasn't quite right....'. We glanced over at him when we heard some curious grunting noises and to our total gobsmacked horror found that he was - to put it nicely - playing with himself! Which he continued to do for the next 10 minutes until he got off the bus. Thankfully there was no actual....exposure. I suppose I could have asked him politely to desist, but to be honest I didn't much want to get involved - so I took a photo of him instead.

Not sure what that says about me?


On a much nicer note, my sister and her boyfriend were driving up north to my folks tonight - to stay a few days and go to Rockness - so I cadged a lift with them. I'll not be going to Rockness, it was just an excuse for a free trip :o)

We stopped over Drumochter where there was the most gorgeous sunset and took a few pictures. I've added them here if anyone would like a wee look.

A far better choice than my above one I know, but I needed to get that out of my system, kind of like a cleansing!

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