The Colour Purple

This is not my garden.

Street life in Saltaire and look at the colour of those tulips! They look like they have been fed on Merlot. So intense

My garden is less grandiose but has had a radical overhaul today. Me and my sister set to trimming a few branches, that's the " sawing down half the tree" definition of trimming a few branches. I hate doing stuff like this from a eco point of view, but I have been in this house seven years and the tree has never been touched apart from to carve " Jonny for Ever " on it, and was towering to the roof, so to ameliorate the neighbours some tidying was in order. After a lot of elbow grease and subdued swearing we cleared loads and I can actually see out of my bedroom window , as can the neighbours. I asked the lady next door whether she thought it looked any better, her reply " a bit"!! A bit!! FFS!!

A very constructive day although lesson learnt that just because you are wearing a checked shirt and chopping down trees does not mean that you have to sing this all day. You will not amuse your very generous sister who has given up her day off to help your jungle!


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