Place: Greenville, SC 58/79
Main activity: Mon - around the house
Notes: Restless sleep/dreams and Lizzy moving & making noises. Got up a little after 7a, filled out Ryan's bday card and Lizzy and I walked to the mailbox and around the big square - lovely brisk morning! Cooked up a batch of her chicken breasts, livers and gizzards and she ate well ... had my coffee and online a bit. Made chicken salad. Did a bunch of little things around the house and then a little writing - felt pretty tired and laid down then and found my mind processing a bunch of things. Ended up being quite helpful and then was wide awake again. Had stages of a meal starting w/ bone broth again, cleaned a bunch of stuff out of the fridge. Pic is of the homemade black licorice - 2nd batch came out pretty good! It has been in the fridge since Wed b/c I did the 3-day water fast so finally cut it up today and had a chance to taste it. Started researching how to make my own sauerkraut! Two Monday Night Football games (weird). Up after 1a - couldn't fall asleep. 

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