More Lavender

Ex lavender this time, we have a lot of this too.

I'm starting to concoct a presentation on light painting for camera club next month so finally got around to opening the box of tricks which steveng loaned me last month. Hence the light trails in the background. I got the room as dark as I could so mrsfb had to help out by shining my phone torch on the lavender while I waved a torch thing. I didn't spot the cobwebs until I did the edit.

I will experiment some more later this evening.

Camera club was fun last night. Two of my summer images made the short list of nine for the summer cup, but I didn't get a top three place. The club continues to look pretty healthy. We've got quite a few potential new members again, including a wedding photographer to replace the one who has moved out of the area this year.

One year ago:
End Of An Era

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