
By ZE1Christie

Day Oot in Bressay

A couple of fierce showers this morning, but cleared into a mostly sunny day.  The winds calming this evening, fairly warm too.

Up early, we had to wait for the showers to pass before a morning walk.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa, Fraser was along too.  Mam and Laura picked me up before noon, we headed to Bressay for the afternoon.  Picked up Elise on our way back.  Walkies again before tea.  Working in the shop this evening, then early to bed.  

Mam and Laura had planned a day out around a knitting event, unfortunately it's a Wool Week event which starts next week.  The day wasn't wasted. We headed to the charity shop for a look around, got a couple of new to me jigsaws, then lunch in the Speldiburn café.  After lunch a brisk walk, and bumped into friend Charlie Umphray.  The lighthouse is always nice for a walk, mam and Laura hadn't seen it from this angle before.  Looking to the Bressay Lighthouse, Bressay.  

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