
By ZE1Christie

Voe Hoose Böd

A fairly calm morning and dry.  Poured down all afternoon and evening, finally easing tonight. Winds fairly picked up. 

Day off and up early.  Headed out walkies straight after breakfast.  Headed out west for walkies too.  Chores this afternoon, and some zombie Walking Dead viewing.  Mam popped by for a cuppa.  A quiet evening, and then mam, dad, Laura, Shaun and Olly came by.  We were hoping to get out walkies, but still raining.  I did manage another walk before I put my feet back up.  I saw someone with Christmas lights up already, far too early! 

The forecast was right, and thankfully I managed to get out all morning before the rain.  A good walk around the village, and spied some new views for a better day.  This old house sits on the hill looking over the village.  I think it's used as a camping böd, you can rent it out for a few nights, with basic facilities.  I'd love to know it's history.  A böd was used to house fishermen and their gear, this is more like a peerie laird's house.  Voe House Böd, Waas (Walls). 

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