The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Push The Button

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

It was a slow day. Murphy was in with Lovely Shuvly and was so excited that he woke everyone up nice and early (after getting to bed at 2 am) by barking loudly! Poor Clara looked like she had been shot. Trying out a different cocktail for every drink is a mistake that you only tend to make once!

LS told us about the last time she had gone to a spa with her friend, Sandra…

They’d had their treatments and headed to the relaxation room afterwards. It was very dark in there and LS could hardly see so she decided to switch on the light.

Except it wasn’t the light. A piercing siren immediately shattered any tranquility and 12 staff members came rushing in, one of whom was brandishing a defibrillator!

After LS had apologised profusely and assured everyone that she didn’t need to be zapped, they asked Sandra if she was ok.

“Yeah - other than she’s my mate!”


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