Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Two Spanish Firemen :-)

Dot left mid afternoon. She had a long drawn out journey to Edinburgh as her flight was delayed and so she wasn’t home till well after midnight. Great to have had her here!

I did item writing in the morning and a little bit of marking in the early evening. Dot and I had lunch in the Frankfurter. Bb couldn’t join us as his agenda was just too full and unchangeable. It’s always been Dot and Bb who squeezed in a last day lunch, so it was nice to be able to do it this time, not being on a full-time CELTA.

My blip is of Bb watering our patio last thing at night. He loves ending the day in this way. Related, a joke to finish: what do you call two Spanish firemen? José and Hose B. It’s easier when told verbally and if you have a little Spanish!

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