Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

I am 65

This feels significant. Although we know that objectively and scientifically a single human life contains only the illusion of permanence and is, by any measure of cosmic performance, totally irrelevant. However life is made up of existential rather than objective elements. So I can report that I had a very good day thanks to the lovely TSM and all three of my children (and the lovely NYMDIL) which involved a fabulous family brunch, a chilled afternoon [Wes Anderson: Asteroid City] and a pub quiz in the evening (we came last but it was fun and I had whisky for the first time in ages).

When we got home I broke a tooth which feels symbolic of ageing but may just be coincidental. Actually it is very annoying. Like a tree trunk splitting in half. But not painful. Yet.

This is a picture of a pipe on a wall which I thought looked interesting.

My latest podcast is published today. The URL is as follows:


It deals with ageing and there is a poem about the Loch Ness monster. Please listen to it. My audience figures are depressing and I need a boost.

Quote of the day: You can't wake up if you don't go to sleep (Jarvis Cocker).

The future feels scary but exciting.

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