Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Look out

Keep away from our fishes! 

A very wet and dull day. Those of Mum's followers may remember that Mum used to meet her best friend for coffee on a Monday morning. I've kept in touch since Mum's funeral and we met for coffee this morning. We were going out but it was so grim we stayed here and chatted. Really good to set the world to rights and two hours later she said it was just like her chats with Mum. We will do it again. We both said we still see or hear things and that we must remember to tell Mum, and Chris still misses their chats.

Then I took some M&S melting middle cod fishcakes next door and shared them with Jo for lunch. Looked after him while Jo went to the doctor, and then a visit from Dave the Book. Planning Silverstone next year, and also getting motorbike advice. I've asked him if he will accompany me on a ride to Southmead Hospital the first time as a practice for going in for meetings. Once the wrist has the all clear. The splint has reduced the pain which I hope is a good sign.

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