The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sooooo tired

When I came home, I was excited about my news: I'd had the CoVid vaccine (Pfizer) because there was some left over in a vial from a home visit, and there was a doctor in the house. I'd also booked another holiday. S and V had both had good news, too. V has got another part time job, and S has a job assessment, and another source of income. All to the good.

Then I put out the bins, sorted out supper, and I lay down both before and after eating! I seem to be almost superglued to the bed. I read the odd chapter of a book, but I can't watch or listen to anything because I know I wouldn't be able to concentrate beyond five minutes.

Have I already got CoVid (possible) or am I reacting to the vaccine instantly? Or none of the above? I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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