
The Boss's phone said clearing later and the B team leader acyclinggranny was wildly enthusiastic about the sunny later bit too but as it transpired they were both wrong and it was DFO (dull Flat and Orrible) BIG time but not being a team to be put off unless it is actually pouring down we all set off for a wander on the far side of the Clutha River which I have to bark was mighty hard to see anyway. I guess in anticipation of this The Boss stepped a few feet from where we assemble and grabbed this shot on his iPhone and then spent far too much time in Lightroom getting it to look better than it did SOOF (straight out of fone) OK?

It was really an inversion day today but that didn't extend to the Coffee shop for the after match function where we could all see the ceiling fine...except ME as I was tucked up on my sheepskin in Suzz resting after the 12 km walk we had in the fog.

There was a wonderful moment of hilarity this morning when the lovely L (who should have been first) was last to notice a signifigant change in the environment at the meeting place. The Boss thought it was really cool and that is all I am permitted to say at this time under threat of imminent starvation. Mutter mutter. The Boss has suggested a Blip possibility on this subject but without a team of enthusiastic supporters and dog handlers with a supply of cottage cheese I just can't face the issues involved. Don't understand this?...YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO...sorry.
Stay tuned to see if the sun shines tomoro or maybe the day after.
Heh heh heh

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