
By meles


I heard a rustling at the letterbox and the postie successfully got the pack of seeds through without having to ring on the doorbell. Just as well, since I was not completely.....clad. Always gives me a lift to open it up and see what I ordered - the usual stalwarts like Musselburgh leeks and Early purple sprouting, but a few wild cards like a very wart-y looking squash and the completely daft kalettes. 

Managed various chores, including cleaning a window - a fairly rare event. But couldn't feel at ease until after 5 pm when I was able to phone the jurors line (fourth night in a row) to hear that my services would not be required - huzzah!

Later listened to the Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra playing Beethoven's 9th - I think it would be correct to say that they were fair gi'in' it laldy. The only word I can usually make out is ' Freude! Freude! Freude!' but they were singing it in Ukrainian translation. Still sent shivers up the spine, though. Hard to imagine what Beethoven was going through when he wrote it.

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