Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Baba-time with Evan


I’m Scuba-cat, swimming through the ocean. I can breathe in the water, and I have a magic bubbler that can destroy all the plastic it touches. One pop and the plastic is gone. No more beach balls, balloons, water bottles, or garbage bags. Everywhere I swim, all the plastic disappears. All the fish and turtles are my friends, and we’re making the oceans safe.

Me and my friend Ezra are making a comic book about The Adventures of Scuba Cat, and we’re gonna get it published. It’ll be a hit with people of all ages, and then Disney will buy it and make a movie of it. We’re already planning the Merch: Scuba-Cat T-shirts, Magic Bubblers (actually water guns), and little Scuba-Cat squishies you can hang from your backpack.

Well maybe I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself. I have to think about the squishies. I’m not sure what squishies are made of. If it’s plastic, that’s not acceptable, but we’ll come up with something.

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