South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

White flowers on the beach

We went over to Littlehampton this afternoon as I had my first appointment with the osteopath. Hubby dropped me off in a nearby car park and I did a bit of photography and then walked up to her house. It was quite cool and cloudy at that time. The osteopath, Sarah, was very nice and thoroughly checked me out. She thinks that my spine doesn't have many problems at all, just that it is slightly curved towards one side in the lower back which is putting pressure on the muscles either side, which have knotted up and are trapping the nerve in my right leg - and starting to trap the nerve in the other leg. I have to go back and see her again next week, and she thinks a couple more sessions should see me pain-free. Feel very encouraged and so glad that I went.

Walked back down to the beach and did some more photography as the sun had now come out and everything looked so much nicer! I was torn between photos of beach huts and this photo and decided on this one in the end (with a bit of help from son). It show a flag and board belonging to the nearby beach patrol hut. Son and husband went over to West Beach and he did some photography while I was at my appointment. There are lots of sand dunes over there, and it would have been quite difficult to climb up and down those with my dodgy leg, so it was good that they went without me and I still got to see the dunes in the distance from the beach where I was!

We popped in to a garage in Littlehampton that I used to use a lot when I had my own car to get exhausts or tyres replaced. It's much cheaper than using the 'official' brand garages and the quote we got to replace the entire exhaust was half the price of what hubby had been quoted at the brand garage. It is in a pretty bad state apparently and could 'blow at any time' - which hopefully it won't do during our outing tomorrow! It will be straight in on Wednesday to be replaced! Wednesday is due to be the most rainy day, so it's a good time to get it done and I can have a mooch round the shops as it will only take an hour apparently.

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