My Best Efforts - Year 3


I Just Don't Know.........

.................exactly what this flower is! - it's very like a tiny Dahlia but I would have thought it much too early! However it could just be a mignon dahlia which are described as being very small. I spotted it growing in a tub near someones front door but the owner didn't know what it was either - said in came in a punnet he bought labelled "assorted plants for tubs or baskets"! - not very helpful.
So - ID anyone please.

Have just noticed a hair on the bottom left flower - there was a long haired pooch in the garden - so I'm guessing it was one of his! - also a tiny insect.

Another dull day - no sun at all! Temperature around 55 deg.F

Hope everyone had a pleasant week end.

Click lower case "L" for more detail

P.S. - I now think - following a suggestion from Cosmoselle - these may be LEWISIA - thank you C. :-))

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