
By TexMama

Magic Tent

Another not so exciting pic....this one's just for me :0)

My kids always camp out in the living room on Friday nights, which makes a giant mess as you can see. But its fun.

This week No2 son built his cover into a tent-like structure on the couch which No3 son was quite jealous of, so I ended up building a blanket tent over the recliner around midnight. Later on, the blanket tent conveniently became a 'magic tent' to protect him from the imaginary T-Rexes that were not allowing him to sleep - Mummy magic comes in quite handy around 1am when you want to sleep and someone else can't sleep ;0)

My sleep was short-lived however, as we had a thunderstorm so the weather alarm went off, twice ,and then No1 son thought it best to wake me up again and say, "its really windy Mum"..."yes, thanks, I was blissfully unaware of that fact until you woke me up" LOL

The storm did bring us an inch of much needed rain though, only 8 more inches needed to get the lake back to something vaguely normal.

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