
By TexMama


A new sheep pic. Sheep are hard to blip, they don't stand still :0)

Beautiful day today, although a bit warmer already and still humid from the thunderstorm on Friday night. Perfect evening for sitting on the patio though.

long sheep post...you can skip it if you think sheep are dull ;0)
The sheep have just started coming out in the later afternoon to graze in my back garden. They had got to the point of being excited to see me with their food twice a day, and the braver one (the black headed one) was coming right up and sniffing my hand to see if I had any food for her (she will eat out of my hand if I offer her a little on my way in).
When the sun's just about set I come out with the food bucket and they run up to see me and follow me back to their enclosure.
Yesterday I had to feed the chickens and cows too, so they followed me to the barn, then to the gate, then bleated at me as I disappeared through the gate to the chickens. We repeated this process with the cow food :0)
When it was time to go in, the kids all came out and had a turn at holding out handfuls of food for them with lots of giggling at the soft tickly sheep mouths, and then we played follow the leader back to their "house" :0)
Am very much enjoying the sheep

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