The Persistence of Memory
I thought I would always remember this, but over time it has become blurred. No, not blurred, totally missing. It’s my uncle’s wedding, I know that much from the photo. I remember so little from back then, and there is a very definite uncertainty about what I think I know. What the hell was her name? My soon to be aunt. Agnes? Anne? I’m sure it began with an A. The one thing I am sure of, and am quite certain about, and that is that I hated his guts. Why did I hate him? Nope, that’s also lost in the haar of a dodgy memory. There was a girl, quite a stunning young lady, Carol - I think. How long were we together? Two years, three? Again something tells me that it was my uncle’s fault that we parted. I seem to have this notion that he told her I was seeing other women. Was I? I don’t think so. But my memory of that period is not infallible. Salvador Dali painted The Persistence of Memory - I wish! I really struggle with things from back then. It’s like that period of three or four years never happened. Things before are perfectly clear, as are things since. But that short period seems almost non-existent. It’s like peering into a thick fog trying to find the way. It is almost as if everything from that period has been erased from my brain.
Looking at the photo doesn’t help. I have no idea who most of those people are. Oh, of course, I know the immediate family members. But the rest, nope, not there. I probably knew some of them back then, but their faces no longer register. Looking at the back of the photo provides some detail. My uncle, Donald, his wife Agnes - I knew it began with an A. Jennifer, Jenny, the bridesmaid. So, not Carol, but definitely her. Carol must have been someone else, not quite sure how she fits into my memories, or even if she does. This is all so bloody annoying! It’s not the first time I have come across something and can’t remember anything about it. What happened back then? Why can I not remember anything about those three or four years? There must be an explanation - but what...
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