
One of the (few) advantages of being an adult is you don't have to share the cake mix!

After running (I have a mission) I went to dig up the last of the spuds that it was too hot to do the other week. That led to a bid of new bed planning and a lot of weeding. At least the ground was soft. Bearing in mind the amount of rain recently it wasn't that waterlogged either, a sign of how dry it's been this year.

After lunch I felt the need to be a domestic goddess and burnt made a cake and some oaty seedy bars for Himself to eat instead of the sugar filled processed things he usually has for breakfast.  He'll probably complain they aren't sweet enough. To be fair I do usually put dried apple in them but didn't have any so they will be a bit different.

I'm also making dinner! Sundried tomato and garlic stuffed chicken breasts with roast (home grown) butternut squash, potatoes and broccoli. 

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