Orkney Chair

The final row of the quilt has proved to be quite a challenge. I ran out of material and piece the peices. Then I cut them wrong and had to piece them even more. Now because it is a diagonal setting, and the last row is different, I'm going to have to take out parts of the current last row. My high school has been sorely challenged....

The predicted rain has not shown up, nor does it look very much like it is going to, but it's still in the forecast. It was cold and cloudy this morning, but the sun has come out and it has warmed up this afternoon. I'm sure, since we put the covers on the porch furniture, that it won't rain now until we take them off again.

There is a story that goes with the Orkney chair in our bedroom. I loved my friend Lady Findhorn's and one time when we were visiting, she offered to call a chair maker in Orkney to see what could be done. (She said she needed to call because I wouldn't be able to understand him). He said whatever the Orkney version of 'no problem' was and that he had just sent one to Texas. All was arranged and we went home at the end of our visit and, since we assumed it would take forever to get to us, we put it out of our minds.

It did take quite a long time but one day I looked out the window to see the mailman staggering up the front steps with a heavy chair shaped package. It was securely and cunningly wrapped in cardboard and tape, the entire surface of which was covered with postage stamps! In these days of labor laws, and supply chain issues I can't imagine it happening the same way, but I  am still charmed by the vision of the wee Orkney chair maker staggering to the post office with his oddly (to us, but perhaps not to them) shaped heavy parcel, and the postmistress applying hundreds of stamps by hand. And I still love my chair.

I always wished that I had kept a chunk of that stamp covered cardboard, framed it and hung it just above the chair....

And speaking of unusual furnishings, I've put a picture of the fish lights in the Sea Thai Bistro in extras. I knew I had taken pictures of them and trolled through many years' worth of images until I found these from 2015.

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