Exit stage left

By NessD


I've changed yesterday's photo. It seems to have worked on the internet but have thoroughly confused the app. It shows the new photo in the subscribed list but the old one when you click on the link. It could just be me. I don't think I'm safe to be around until the end of the week.

Other than that, zip. Well I've done washing, washing up and ironing but nothing that I was meant to do. It's 7pm and I've managed about 40 minutes of study while I went out for coffee and cake. And that's it.

The pine nut situation is now dire. So dire that K will countenance Chinese pine nuts. Somewhat amusing that he considers them such a basic foodstuff that he was horrified that our small city centre Sainsburys did not stock them! And we totally confused they guy in the local Asian shop. Well they're grown in China. It wasn't that mad an idea. Apparently, it's not desperate enough to get in the car and go to the supermarket so I'm guessing tonight's dinner plans have changed slightly.

And so, instead of spending an evening in the theatre doing something I love, I'm staring at a screen procrastinating again. I don't know why I just didn't let this stupid course lie. I had very good reasons for not doing the presentation at the time. I'd accepted that I'd had to withdraw and it was having no impact on work or life. So why did I need to put myself through it again? It's become a huge psychological thing now and knowing that I couldn't complete it last time is influencing this time. What drives me to put myself through it? Life is good but stressful enough at the moment and I've just made it unnecessarily worse. Muppet!

Which of course means I should go and do some ironing or something....


Can I ask any of the members how the edit facility is supposed to work. I just uploaded this into the edit box as a trial run but it hasn't given me any editing options.

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