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By NessD


I've been struggling to keep up with blip for a while now. I have no wifi connection when I have time and sometimes barely even a data connection. I got home from work just after 9pm today, stuck a load of washing on and made a start on a mammoth to do list. Writing the list that is not actually doing anything on it yet. Catching up on blip seemed like something that shouldn't have become a to do lite item. Also it's one thing when you take a rubbish shot just to post something that day but when you're faced with several weeks of posting old rubbish photos it seemed a bit pointless. So I've given myself permission not to post if I don't manage to do it that day unless there's a picture I want to remember.

I've gained a lot from doing blip for a whole year and will certainly continue to post and hopefully eventually catch up on other people's diaries but will spare you all from backdated rubbish shots with nothing interesting to say. I will though keep back blipping Oz on the list.

Now back to that list......


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