I saw the light.

An awful day, I have seen better. My dad has alzheimer and was missing for many hours today, and has been driving too without his licence (as the doc has taken it away), but found ok in the end at 1pm.

The weather has been cool, a huge thunderstom with flooding in Tampere city centre in the afternoon.

Before the 'missing dad' -situation me and my daughter visited today in a newely opened tunnel through Pispala esker, this tunnel in the blip is built in 1968 for transfer timber from one big lake to another - from Nasijarvi to Pyhajarvi. The tunnel is 5,5m wide and some 300m long. There actually had been done only few tests of loading timber to trailers, in the
1960's, as the whole idea of using tunnel was abandoned. The tunnel was not in use since last week as the renovation project of the tunnel ended.

This is the gallery of the tunnel in it's history. As you can see, from the photosearch result the tunnel has sometimes planned to be full of water... Now there is a way for pedestrians and bicyclers. And as you can see from my the other shots today, the tunnel is quite roughly made, no painted walls (the craffiti-painters had started their humble and moderate work already - which is a nice idea from the city: why paint the tunnel, as the graffiti-painters do it for free). There is either no asphalt under your feet in the tunnel.

No klaustrofobic feeling. There was light and windy.

I really hope that the week continues better. You must have a better day, I am eager to read your journals and to watch your captures. Thanks for stars and chatting lately, so nice of you indeed. Have a cood evening now, see you later!


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