
By ZE1Christie

Shandrick Burn

A windy day, but mild and mostly sunny and blue skies, clouds passing over.  

Up at 5am, early shift in the airport.  I was mostly meeting and boarding flights, on the check-in desk in the afternoon.  Most flights delayed today, apart from Inverness.  Popped by Laura's on my way home.  Walkies with Sammy, and nipped along Madeline's.  A quiet evening at home, more walkies, and then an early night.  

It's been 20 years and week since the landslides happened here, 19th of September to be precise.  It had been a terrible night of rain, causing landslides from Cunningsburgh to Shandrick (Channerwick).  This was the worst hit area, and the worst landslides I've seen.  It covered the roads, closing them for a while, took out this bridge, just thankful no one was hurt.  You can still see the scars all these years on, which I'll try and capture in better light, but here you can see them directly above the old bridge.  There's been a few bad slips with the Viking Energy Windfarm, probably more to come.  Taken at the old Egg brig, Shandrick burn, Shandrick.  

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