With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Cave dwellers

There were huge clouds overhead, so the driest place was in the limestone caves at ‘new karst’, baraćeve špilje, and the brand new museum Speleon, both right next to the Bosnian border. Both visits excellent, with a bat presence annoying a US tourist adding to the joy and a fire salamander mixing it up a bit too. The police presence was notable as border patrol seems to be busy. Burned out buildings betray the sad past of this area too, but regeneration is spurred on by the locals lust for life and fabulous generosity and hospitality. Every single encounter has been beyond courteous and welcoming.
The deer were after a nibble of corn, this guy getting very brave. I don’t think all of his pals get the same treatment though…

Back in Plitvice, Kathy and Doug were thawed from their walk in the park. I was so happy to meet up, with much to the discover about each others lives since we first became friends in Veneto. We have the internet to thank for this.

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