
Despite him retiring two years ago, and not working in central London for about five years before that, my ex husband was a firefighter and I've never quite got out of the habit of checking to see where the pumps and trucks are based, just in case it's one of his (old) sites.

This one wasn't. They were on a break in McDs. They have to leave someone in the cab just in case there's a shout but this guy already had his milkshake so someone must have been nice to him and let him go first. Or brought it out.

An annoying day. Lots of things wound me up, the last one being yet another friend who's successfully managed to move out of London. I desperately want to do the same but can't get Himself to let go of whatever it is holding him to the house. It's not the (not) children, they don't come round much as it is and their mum's house is only 2 miles away. He's always got something more important to do.

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