A Bundle of Pencils...

...caught my eye and seemed like a good subject for a close-up shot. 

Adding an extra row to the quilt I'm making has turned out to be quite a challenge since it is a diagonal setting but a straight row. I won't bore you with the details, but it gave me a chance to learn about the development of anesthetics, the benefits and threats of Artificial Intelligence and Ishi the 'last wild Indian' in North America.

I have a special interest in Ishi, both because he was very relevant to my studies in Anthroplogy, and because the author of his biography, Theodora Kroeber who was married to the anthropologist, Alfred Kroeber, lived next door to us when I was at Cal. It's a fascinating story about an individual who emerged from a stone age culture into the modern world in 1911. His treatment was controversial and his story represents a turning point in the study of culture  by anthropologists. Arthur Kroeber's name was ultimately removed from Kroeber Hall, the department of Anthropology's headquarters, because of his treatment of Ishi, and by extension the harm done to the Native American population in California.

It's a complex story and gives rise to an ongoing discussion about the role of cultural anthropologists in modern  society. 

The sun has come out today and last night's rainfall was enough to clear the air and cause everything to sparkle. 

Without belaboring the point, I found John's phone in the car (after he went down into the garage with my phone to call his phone). In his defense, the sound was turned off, but it still vibrated and perhaps made a sound that John couldn't hear and I could. 

But the phone was in plain sight on the floor of the at at his feet. I think he was just too rattled by losing it to think clearly about finding it....

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