
By MumOf4Wildlings


No pun intended but the jedi cracks me up. 

We have had a day of homework,  spelling,  maths, reading and online work for the wildlings.  
We had a visit to nana Joan's to give them a break. 

I had bananas that needed used up so it was decided we would make a banana loaf. Each wildling had a job to do, numbers to read and ingredients to weigh out. Well obviously not the jedi but he had help. But back to the photo.  I asked him to add the eggs ( Harp had cracked them ) and he added the shells. " here's your egg's mummy ". Hehehe. I told him I meant the bowl with eggs in. " that's not eggs, that's egg juice ". Egg yolk will now forever be known as egg juice. Xander and Lincoln love banana loaf so they were very happy when it had cooked. 

I have spent the last while writing a draft email that I will send to all our local elected members. I haven't heard squat from the ones I emailed last week. But I've sent it to some friends who will give me their opinions on the email before I sent it over. 

It's been raining here for a while but haven't seen any signs of a storm yet. Hopefully it passes over us. 

Oh and Harp enjoyed me teaching her about the Romans. She's very pleased with her drawing.  

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