
By Beewriter

Thunder Tuesday

We headed across the island to Sami and had a little mooch around as it was a bit overcast. It had rained heavily in the night and thunder and lightning had crashed and flashed. From Sami we went to a lovely beach, Anthisamos Beach, and had a swim. It was pebbly but the water was like glass. I’ve never seen the sea as clear before. There were hundreds of translucent fish and I got some great shots of them on the GoPro.

We then went to Skala and stopped for a bit of lunch. Then we called at the Olive Tree for a sundowner just near our studio. By then the heavens had opened. Thunder crashed, lightning lit up the sky and we huddled under shelter on the tiny balcony and supped a glass of wine.

Denise and Alan are at the end of their holiday here and we met for dinner. Alan picked us up and we went to a lovely place on Avithos Beach…Enetiko. I’ve not seen them for a year or two so it was lovely to meet up. The rain was torrential but we were under cover thank goodness.

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