
Update: Because I had tested negative on Monday, I felt sure I was having another bad cold. Sue drove over to my place to take me to the doctor because she was worried about me. She suggested I do another Covid test before going to the doc's office, to assure her and her staff that I am negative for Covid.

But to my great shock, I am positive. So Sue was exposed right then, if not on the weekend (when did I get it? who knows?). She left pretty quickly. I was able to have a telephone conversation with a medical person who prescribed Paxlovid. My son Seth drove over from Beaverton to pick it up from the pharmacy and leave it outside my door, and I immediately took the first dose. 

Much to my amazement, I am feeling much better already. Two hours of having the drugs in my system, and my nose has stopped running, the sore throat has disappeared, the aches have vanished, and I feel better than I've felt in weeks. There is a nasty metallic taste in my mouth, but I can't think of a time when a drug has made such a big difference in how I feel, so quickly. It's a miracle. I am so lucky. I am astonished. I wonder if I'm having Paxlovid Euphoria.

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