If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Blue Tits ( Cyanistes caeruleus )

One of the joys of being home again is watching the birds.  This trip has been a little disappointing from a birding point of view, for a number of reasons. Mainly because I was helming most of the time.  The "late Mate" used to do the majority of the helming leaving me free to pick up bino  As I mentioned before there was a lack of birds on much of the canal possibly owing to the canal side vegetation.colours or camera as and when needed.

I am not a twitcher!  For the benefit of the uninitiated twitchers are a particular section of the birding community.  For them adding a new bird to their life list is important and they will rush off, often at great expense to see a new species.  For me,  it is the simple pleasure of watching birds going about their daily lives and marvelling at the adaptations, beauty etc.

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