More Playing ...

... with light painting.

I finished my camera club presentation on this for Monday night and was just starting to relax when I got an email from the club chairman saying he's got Covid. He was doing two of the four sessions on Monday, so I am up the creek a bit.

I was wondering about making the evening a bit more hands on practical, but the thought of 30+ people with tripods trying to do something like this fills me with dread.  It took me about 20 attempts to get this, with the help of mrsfb holding my phone torch again, and a lot of post processing. There has to be another solution. Finish early and go to the pub? That is the plan the following Mop Fair week though. Oh well.

In other news the central heating gas man came again this morning (or rather afternoon as he was late). It's a shame he was late as the RCD was tripping in the morning but of course was OK when he got here. However ...  he was pretty certain he had found the fault, has ordered a special part, and has promised to return tomorrow at 8am and fit it. He said all the stuff the previous engineer said and did was a load of rubbish. We shall see I guess.

One year ago:
Fading Sunflowers

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