All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Please let me in!

Not much motivation to go out today since it has hardly stopped pee-ing down all day! I did pop up to the GP surgery to pick up some bumf but that's all.

Have spent most of the day checking out what's on at the Edinburgh Fringe this summer, as the tickets went on sale today. Managed to get freebies for 3 comedy shows which are all being recorded for radio so that was a bonus plus 2 for 1 tickets for a comedian we go and see each year who is fab and always has me practically rolling around on the carpet with laughter (could be rather embarassing if I did as he always plays in small venues)!

My picture today is of Obi who obviously couldn't be bothered walking round to the catflap at the other side of the house, and instead was trying to coax me into opening the conservatory doors so he could come in that way instead!

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