The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Only Way

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

We had a Supper Club outing to Cilantro tonight.

Charlie said that one of her friends likes the sound of our Supper Club and has started her own but partners can turn up. I mentioned that you have done the same thing O’H dear but that it’s a ‘Turn up if you’re free’ format.

There was shocked silence followed by “That’s not how you do Supper Club”

“Supper club attendance is mandatory”

“An agreed supper club date takes precedence over anything else that comes up”

“There are NO randoms at Supper Club”

“Elton is an honorary member”

“Someone keeps a record of the dates and venues of all supper club outings”!

“The rules were never agreed but were always understood”

As always, I had a lovely evening with three hilarious ladies. Time seems to speed upon their company.


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