
By tookie

Back to Seattle Visit

We drove up to Seattle so Big R could see his diabetic nurse as we cannot get in anywhere for him til Dec. we met up with a couple friends Friday late then today we saw my good friend who is now in a group home . Besides needing a lot of physical therapy and help , her dementia is worse and that’s the hardest part. She eats little and has gotten very very thin . She knew us which was good .
Much of the conversation , as you must do with people suffering from dementia , is redirected to other topics — to avoid combative behaviors . We had a nice visit and were fortunate to see her grandson a few minutes too.
Knowing her for 45 years and being not only bests buddies but our families have been together that long too. We’ve all been through births, deaths , jubilant celebrations and many illnesses and continue to weather each hardball life throws us . I saw her in June and while much better physically not so mentally. Very very hard on all her friends and family as fellow blipper John Smiley has posted being it’s his mom .
Bittersweet goodbyes for me knowing what’s most likely down the road. Heartening to see the care home is wonderful and she gets many family/ friend visits .

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