
A big mountain day today.
Left camp and took a bus up to the next village to start our walk. We were heading up in the Carnic Alps to the top ridge which has a route through called the Peace Trail. It runs the border between Austria and Italy and was the front line between the 2 countries in WW1.
It was a hot sweaty walk up and our first major stop was a beautiful mountain bowl with a little wooden church in it. A stunning location. From there it was a walk across a meadow then on upwards zigzagging to reach the ObstanserSee Hutte - our resting place for the night. After a wee breather we left the hut and continued up the mountain side to reach the ridge - and the reward of the most amazing views across to Italy, and back to Austria.
We felt we deserved a beer back at the hut and enjoyed sitting out with a group who had just had a couple of days on the trail. They included 2 youngsters - both under 10. Very impressive!

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