Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

SA Day Sixteen!

Last night’s game drive was EPIC in more ways than one. Epic in the rain, wind and the fact the those wonderful waterproof lined ponchos were neither waterproofed nor warm. I was soaked, very very cold, my face stinging like bee stings from the driving rain, and I could hardly hold my iPhone. But I had a great time. We had several close up viewings of giraffes, rhinos, red hartebeests and zebras.

But the BEST, and most dramatic, was seeing a whole herd of elephants coming towards us while playing in the mud. We had to keep reversing back up the hill to give them space. It was simply wonderful! (See archies_mums on Insta).

I had to have a long hot shower to recover, and my hands had pins and needles for a long time afterwards.

Today we were picked up by our driver, and taken down to the Oceana Beach Reserve. We arrived in plenty of time for lunch, and a game drive in the afternoon. What a position!! Overlooking the ocean, with a never ending beach. This is definitely 6* even before I mention the gym (for JR) and the pool table (moi).

We went out on a game drive (posh steps into the vehicle here) and had a close encounter with Gerry the giraffe. Also lots of bonteboks, nyalas, zebras, wildebeest, warthogs and ostriches. We stopped on a hill for drinkies and watched the sunset. Our young woman driver rang the hotel to tell them we’d be back soon… and a staff member was there to meet us with little cups of hot chocolate, in case we were cold.

One cheeky vervet monkey jumped up on our table while we were having our welcome coffee on the glorious large deck overlooking the beach, and stole several sugar sachets!

Tomorrow we’re going to the beach for a picnic lunch!

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