Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

SA Day Seventeen

The treats continue today. JR went to the gym early. And neither of us had a cooked breakfast, just having fruit, muesli and yoghurt (and a wee smoothie).

Another game drive at 10am, but actually, we’ve seen all the animals now - it’s just a ‘wildlife reserve’ here, so no predators or big animals. But we had a lovely close encounter with two giraffes. (Extra) The younger one was lying down, and I wanted to see him getting up, as it must be quite awkward. We waited and waited in the HOT sun, and of course, as soon as we gave in and moved off, he stood up.

We had a super picnic lunch down by the beach. They have it all set up for lunch visits, even a portaloo. JR went off for a long walk down to the Indian Ocean, but there was a steep sandy slope down, and I knew I’d never get back up.

When JR got back to the hotel, she couldn’t find her phone, so she knew it had slipped out of her pocket when she sat down on the sand!!! She set off back down there - a vehicle was going down again to pick up the others (it’s an arduous steep bumpy ride). The other people searched and searched in the sand and then gave up to come back. The other woman happened to put her hand down between the seats in the Landy, and bingo! She found the (brand new) iPhone15!!! She hadn’t taken any photos on the beach, so hadn’t noticed it was missing.

We went for a shorter evening drive - there was a chance of a last African sunset. We weren’t in the right place, so I walked down the path to get a tree in the foreground, but by that time I’d missed the optimum moment…

Sadly, the time has come to think about coming home… I really hope we don’t have any dramas like the journey here, but it doesn’t bode well… already I’ve been blocked from checking in, because in my haste I spelt my name wrongly. Twice.

’Please wait 24 hours and try again’. *sigh*

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