By Yorkshirebred

Wet Wednesday

Backblip.  Rain had been forecast for today, but it wasn't too bad when I went up to the next village. However, as I set off to walk back home the heavens opened!  I decided that as there was a bus due it would be better to catch that than to walk down the roadside getting splashed by passing vehicles!  This photo is the old Wesleyan School converted into apartments by my son-in-law some years back. Where possible the old beams and stained glass windows were retained. When the sun shines through those windows behind the war memorial the colours are beautiful.  I waited in the bus shelter across the road, and couldn't believe that I had never noticed the beehive plaque on the wall (extra). I looked it up, and the original village Cooperative store was on that site.  When it was demolished they kept the 1st floor archivolt windows and the beehive plaque from the parapet and used them to construct the bus shelter. Back in time for drinks with friends in the local.

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