Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

The best bread maker

This wonderful woman sits cooking the most amazing bread in the entrance of the restaurant we ate in this evening. I think the best bread I have ever had, I thanked her as we left and asked if I could take her photo. Yes you can, said the man on the door. I waited for her to say yes, she was very smiley.

Before all of that, up for breakfast swim club with Clare, then breakfast. Another nice wander round Zamalek, finding the shops that were shut yesterday. I bought Daisy and Will a present each and at the last minute got one for myself as well. Back to the hotel where I sifted through conflicting opinions on whether Tutankhamen’s mask was in the current Egyptian museum or not. The lady on the concierge desk said no, Facebook said yes. I decided to plump with the man on Facebook who said he saw it yesterday and set forth for a solo adventure. After 50 years of not being a museum fan I have recently discovered I love a museum on my own so I can do as I please. Anyway I saw all the glittering Tutenkamen wonders and wandered around the rest, including several large empty rooms just filled with empty sarcophagi. Then a happy ten minutes in the gift shop and a thrilling wait for the Uber driver on the side of a crazy busy road. All was well, it was a fine outing.

Oh and before that the man cleaning my room made a pretty display out of a towel, my hat and rose petals. Made me laugh a lot. And somewhere later we found Kate’s grandmothers house from the 1940’s- quite the most beautiful house I have seen. No good photos due to the security man, it’s now the Canadian embassy. Stunning though.

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